Британские пролетарии радуют

Больше половины британцев стали безбожниками

Хиллел Тиктин о британских выборах

Beneath the Surface with Suzi Weissman  

Friday 5-6pm on KPFK 90.7FM, streaming live at  www.kpfk.org, podcast and archived here


Kevin Ovenden and Hillel Ticktin on the British Elections

On tonight’s program we take a deeper look at what happened in yesterdays General Election in Britain. 

Kevin Ovenden, blogger and author of Syriza: Inside the Labyrinth divides his time between London and Athens, where we talk to him today. Kevin has joined us previously on BTS in August to discuss Jeremy Corbyn and the leadership struggle in the Labour Party. Today we get his analysis of what happened yesterday and what it means in the immediate and longer term future. How long can Theresa May last in power, what happens with Brexit, and can Jeremy Corbyn form a minority government? And more.


Hillel TicktinEditor of Critique Journal, Professor Emeritus of Marxist Studies, University of Glasgow, Scotland, longtime Soviet/Russia scholar and author of numerous works on the USSR, South Africa, crisis and finance capital, joins us for a closer look at the bigger picture of the conditions that made this result possible, as well as an inside look at the Scottish vote. 

Suzi Weissman  Beneath the Surface, Fridays 5-6 KPFK 90.7FM Los Angeles,  98.7 Santa Barbara, 99.5 China Lake, 93.7 North San Diego, streaming live and archived at www.kpfk.org

Podcast information, audio archives and more at


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