Умер товарищ Лорен Голднер

С выдающимся левым коммунистом — философом, экономистом, политическим публицистом и практическим работником-активистом Лореном Голднером —




— я познакомился больше двадцати лет назад. Мы переписывались, пересылали друг другу статьи и книги, сотрудничали: мне выпала честь перевести на русский две его статьи —



И вот трагическое известие:


Изначально я узнал о кончине Лорена из письма товарища Сьюзан Вайсман: с нею и Хиллелом Тиктиным Лорен сотрудничал много лет — в течение некоторого времени был членом редколлегии журнала Critique, написал ряд статей в этот журнал и в журнал Against the Current:



Сьюзан прислала свой отклик на смерть Лорена, а также отклики еще двоих левых ученых — Захарии Левенсона и Брюса Лерро. Об их научной работе можно многое узнать, введя их имена в поисковик.

Прочтите их слова скорби (для перевода на русский язык можно воспользоваться гугловским переводчиком):

Suzi Weissman:

Loren Goldner died today, the news is devastating. Both Robert Brenner and I have been friends with Loren for decades. There was a period in the 90s when Loren would call around 11pm LA time, so 2am in New York and we’d talk for hours. I was often too tired to continue, but not Loren Goldner! I visited Loren while he was the librarian at Harvard University — he arranged a talk for me — and afterwards we went to his favorite Portuguese restaurant. When I saw his apartment I feared for his life: he had stacks of books perhaps six feet high all around his bed. Good thing Cambridge (MA) didn’t have earthquakes! Loren said he liked having the books within reach. Loren was a polyglot, never afraid to master a new language, though he said Arabic was challenging. He read more than anyone it seemed, and was indefatigable in discussion. He also loved obscure political films. Loren was sui generis, good natured and sweet, had excellent politics and a rare depth of understanding. This is a tragic loss. RIP my friend.

Zachary Levenson:
I’m crushed to hear of Loren Goldner’s passing. It had been a few years since we last connected, but Loren organized the first talk I ever gave on South African politics — in the geography dept at CUNY with his Insurgent Notes comrades. I first met him when he crashed on my couch in Oakland about 15 years ago — probably in 2010. I’ll never forget sitting in the backyard debating Luxemburg’s Accumulation of Capital until 4 in the morning.
When I traveled to Paris a couple of years later, I linked up with Loren in Brooklyn beforehand. He drew me a map of all of the best bookstores in Paris (first picture below) and organized meetings with all sorts of comrades — the most memorable being Henri Simon. He was so excited to hear my report upon my return.
I never met another Marxist as hungry for political discussion as Loren. When I was in Brooklyn again in 2015, I stopped off at his place around 10 am (series of 3 photos below), and he seemed really annoyed when I told him I had to go around 5. “We’d only just begun our discussion!” he complained.
I used to love his tours of his library. He had this backroom he called his office that was really just stacks of books all the way to the ceiling. And he was always so proud of the scheme he devised for organizing his shelves in his living room.
Rest in peace, Loren. We may’ve had all sorts of political disagreements, but no one loved a raging debate like you

Bruce Lerro:
Loren was a great interdisciplinarian. We would swoop across vast fields of knowledge. He was always creative about Marxism. He was neither a revisionist nor a Biblical commentator. He would always tell me about the most obscure books that I would always wind up reading. His house in Cambridge was amazing. One day he had some place to go and asked me to come along. I said no, I wanted to study his books. He came back about 5 hours later I I stlll had only gotten through about a fourth of them. Whenever I think of the very best in socialist self-education I think of him.


Товарищ Лорен, мы с тобой не доделали многое, что хотели. Но, вопреки этому, дело твое будет продолжено.

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